Sustainable Products

Sustainable Products

1. Origin of the skins- NO ANIMAL ABUSE

The Alpaca furs that the brand utilizes come from animals that are raise outdoors on natural grass, in large areas; they do not originate from industrial farms. The Alpacas live for an average of 20 years, generating a shearing potential much greater value than that of a single fur, therefore, the furs that are used are ethically sourced and from animals that have died of natural causes.

2. Ecological

Considering the different stages of production and the processing of alpaca fur such as: water consumption, waste, furs cleansing products, etc. its considered to be a sustainable material, as it can be naturally dehydrated and degraded, unlike “fake fur” usually made with petroleum products that do not decompose and generate a negative environmental impact.

3. Biodegradable

After several decades, alpaca fur can be dehydrated and degraded naturally, unlike “fake fur“, which is often a derivative of petroleum products which do not decompose naturally.

4. Recyclable

Alpaca fur rugs and cushions have a very long life and can even be recycled. Each piece of material is cut and sewn individually. There will always be pieces of material at the end of production that will serve our range of UNICO bags, fashion or to make plaid patterns. Material scraps can also be used by small craftsmen to make children’s mittens and slippers.

5. Ethical Policy

No exploitative labour, environmental damage, the use of hazardous chemicals, waste of water and materials, and animal cruelty are part our ETHICAL COMPROMISE.